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What is a Purchase Day Book in Accounting

What is a Purchase Day Book in Accounting?

Knowing what is a purchase day book in accounting is essential for navigating the complexities of accounting and finance. The purchase day book contains all invoices for products and services provided to the company on credit. It is often referred to as:

  • Purchase journal
  • Purchase book
  • Invoice book

A sizable amount of sales in modern businesses are done using credit—the items are delivered immediately, but the payment isn’t made immediately.

In the diligent accounting field, tracking every financial transaction is crucial. Even if contemporary technologies automate a large portion of this process, grasping the fundamental ideas will always be essential.

Purchase journals are used in manual accounting systems to document credit purchases of goods intended for resale.

Purpose of a Purchase Journal

The purpose of the purchase day book is to list all credit purchases made by a company in chronological order.

What are the Features of the Purchase Day Book?

The salient features of an invoice book are:

Focuses on Credit Purchases

This book only records credit transactions. In contrast, the cash book keeps track of cash inflows and outflows. This indicates that products are delivered on credit, with payment due when the terms are met.

Records for Resale

The invoice book does not include every credit purchase. It particularly records transactions pertaining to inventory or products that a company plans to resell to make money. This is not the place to register assets like furniture or equipment.

Provides a Centralized Record

Accountants can easily monitor and examine credit purchases if they keep a book dedicated to the topic. This makes it easier to do things like:

  • Check supplier invoices
  • Purchased credit overall over a specific period
  • Find unpaid bills

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What is in a Purchase Day Book?

For every credit transaction, a typical purchase journal or book contains the following essential data points:


The day the acquisition deal was finalized.

Supplier Name

The name of the company that sold the products.

Invoice Number

The unique number that the provider has given to this particular purchase.


A succinct explanation of the products that were purchased. This might contain the amount, good, and any other pertinent information.


The entire purchase cost is less than any supplier-provided trade discounts.

The Life Cycle of a Invoice Book Entry

An overview of the information flow inside the invoice book is provided here:

Documenting the Transaction

The accountant enters the pertinent information in the purchase journal as soon as they get an invoice from a supplier for a credit purchase.

Periodic Summarization

The accountant adds up all purchase amounts recorded in the book at regular periods, usually at the end of a month or accounting period.

Posting to the General Ledger

After being compiled, this data is ‘posted’ to the general ledger, a company’s primary record-keeping system. While individual suppliers are credited in their accounts inside the accounts payable ledger, the entire purchase amount is debited to the “purchases” account.

The Bottom Line

Knowing what is a purchase day book in accounting reveals a useful resource for learning the principles of credit purchases and how they are recorded in accounting. You can make the most from its guaranteed features. Now, you can streamline managing your business’s financial commitments by offering a specific area to execute these transactions.